Sunday, June 20, 2010


I often describe myself as a "Proud Presbyterian." I love our traditions, our way of doing things (although committees can be overrated at times!), and the work we engage. But besides the National offices in Louisville, I didn't have a place too deeply associate with being Presbyterian. That is until now! I have come back from my two weeks as a small group leader in love with Montreat.

Montreat is a beautiful community nestled within North Carolina's Black Mountains. And for the last two weeks, I have been there helping with two weeks of Montreat's youth conferences. Both weeks I had a group of nearly 30 high schoolers who gathered together for three hours a day to talk about life, keynote addresses, and have fun together. The small group time was more of what I've learned to love in this YAV year: community building, deep conversations, new relationships, and serving God.

The leadership and those who spoke in Keynotes and preached in Worship were the same both weeks. It was powerful to hear each of their messages twice, as I heard different things each time. The Spirit revealed new things to me, encouraging me, and I hopefully encouraged and challenged the youth I worked with. I was told several times that the little things I said in a passing moment or the "hard question" I asked meant a lot. That's all the Spirit. I'm just thankful in that moment I was willing/open to being a vessel.

Before heading to Montreat, I prayed that I would have relationships form that would last. As I've learned over and over again this year, God is good. Not only did I meet several new friends, but two of them will be starting Hebrew with me in September at Columbia Seminary. I met several pastors (most graduates of Columbia) whose stories touched my story. I made new connections, networked a little, and experienced an amazing community. One of my new friends was even suppose to be an intern at PSF this year; it's sad we just met and became friends. And two of my friends from PSF work there, and it's always wonderful to be in their company.

My time at Montreat was a lot of things: exhausting, exciting, passion-filled, a learning experience. . . . It's a place where the concepts of the Biblical church are lived out, where community and God matters. As the President of Montreat says: it's a thin place, where heaven and earth met and you aren't sure which is which.

p.s.-Last weekend, in between my two weeks at Montreat, I flew home to Erie to be presented to the Presbytery of Lake Erie as an Inquirer candidate. Following a brief introduction, answering a few questions, a vote was taken and I am an official Inquirer for Ordination of the Word and Sacrament. Five months ago, I never would have thought this to be the path I would take. But God is good. Thanks for your prayers as I continue to discern God's path.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

quick update

Why hello, hot and humid month of June!

Hard to believe there are only two months left of my eleven month YAV commitment. I'm excited to move onto the next chapter of my life (minus driving in Atlanta and taking Hebrew), but am sad to think that my time in Nashville is almost up. Luckily, my list of things to do and see in Nashvegas only has about six things left, which is doable in few weeks I have left.

On Saturday, I leave Nashville for two weeks. I'll be serving as a small group leader for the first two weeks of the Montreat Youth Conference. I'm really excited! Small groups, especially leading them, has always been a life-giving activity for me. There's something wonderful about helping others come closer to God in all they do. And the idea of being in the Black Mountains of North Carolina should be pretty great too. Is it silly that part of me wants to see Billy Graham while I'm there? Probably.

In between my two Montreat weeks, I'll be heading to PA for a Lake Erie Presbytery meeting. If all goes well, I should be officially taken under care by the Presbytery and become an Inquirer. This is a huge step, and I'm so thankful that all the people back home have been so willing and flexible to help make this happen for me.

It's crazy to stop and think about everything that has happened this year. I'm so blessed. There have been many blessings and many prayers here in Nashville. I had no idea a year ago what a great name I had picked for this blog.