Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Stony Point, NY is unlike what I had expected. It's in a great community, that is very aware of God's glorious creation, and they strive to take care and preserve all that is around them. Set up much like Westminster Highlands, Camp Crestfield, and Lambec, it's a place of many buildings, great worship space, and free room to wander. I've meet the seven Nashville girls. . . we all ready have a great community forming. The larger group consists of nearly 70 YAVs, who will be serving both nationally and internationally. It's been a great blessing to meet and talk with each other, share our concerns, go through vocational discernment, self-care, and simply walk around. Through our activities up-to-now, I've discerned, thanks to the Meyer's-Briggs, that I'm an ISFJ personality--but I'm moving more and more to the extravert personality!, and that I have a hard time feeling my own personal energy. Right now there is a seminary fair going on. It was interesting to find that out of the YAV program, about 20-30% of all YAVs end up attending a seminary. I was impressed by that until I heard that from the Nashville site, the numbers jump to nearly 70%. Interesting. . . :)

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