Saturday, December 5, 2009

strenghts and weaknesses

Yesterday, as is usual for the Nashville YAV community, we gathered for our time of vocational discernment. This week we talked about the book we read: "Community and Growth." It was a good book, a little long, but a good read on all aspects of Christian community. While discussing one of the chapters, Liz shared a thought that has been on my mind ever since. Liz shared that: "I came into this year thinking I would be working on my strengths, instead I've been working on all my weaknesses."

The same thing has been true in my life. I've been working on all the things that challenge me: saying 'no,' trying to find balance, passing judgment, speaking up for what I believe in. . . this list could go on, but I'm sure you get the point.

The YAV motto is: A year of service for a lifetime of change. While I'm sure I've made some change through PSF or maybe even Downtown Pres, I'm realizing now that a lot of change is happening within me, in how I view the world, and in the life I'm now living. Working on my weaknesses is hard, but it will certainly create a change in me.

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