Thursday, April 8, 2010

thoughts and ramblings

Easter is come and gone. I'm back to eating some meat (I gave meat up for Lent). My family is back in PA after a great visit. I got my acceptance letter to Columbia Seminary for the fall, so pending some financial aid, that's where I'll be come September. I'm seriously considering pursuing the Ordination track, which is new for me. Spring has sprung; and for the first time I really get the concept of spring marking Easter's themes of life and death so well--which is hard to do in Erie, when there's typically still snow. We're beginning the end of things on campus. I've got a little less than a month left with the students. I'm leading a class through April on art and spirituality. I'm tired with community living, and craving my own space. I'm sad that I only have about four months left in Nashville. I got about four, maybe five?, inches of my hair cut off. I'm addicted to Goodwill shopping. I'm eating fish/seafood regularly. I'm still terrible at returning phone calls and personal emails. I've been to the Nashville zoo with Sarah, experienced Chipotle with Kayla, and am planning for a few more visitors before this YAV experience is over. I'm trying to squeeze a trip to visit the Denver YAVs and the Compassion Buddha Retreat House before I no longer have friends out there. I can't believe I was in Guatemala a month ago. I've learned how important it is to know people's stories before you judge or assume that you understand who they are. I've learned that sharing my own story with people isn't as scary as I've always thought. I've been learning a lot--somethings have changed and somethings never will. Welcome to my year full of growth. Welcome to my year of service for a lifetime of change. Welcome to my life.

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