Tuesday, September 15, 2009


There is so much going on in my life. And while most of it has been enjoyable, I'm exhausted, nearing stressed, and just plain worn out. The weekend trip was great, and I loved the community building . . . but my body is sore (from rafting and daily trips to the YMCA). My personal to do list gets longer each day, and I don't feel like I have enough time to get everything done. I apologize to all those who have called, texted, emailed, or mailed me something without a response. Those expressions of kindness have not gone unnoticed. Thank goodness for leftovers from work, because I haven't gone grocery shopping. There are just so many things to see, to do, to experience. But I'm going to have to find a balance.

Talking of balance, I finally met my pastor yesterday. Ken Locke, the pastor of Downtown Presbyterian church (DPC) is a great guy. He showed me around the church (see pictures at http://www.dpchurch.com/dpctour.php), and then took me out for breakfast. He had me laughing, thinking deep, wanting balance in my life and got me even more excited to become a part of his church community. While they have a small congregation, they are active with two lunches each week for the homeless people of Nashville. It's my hope that I might be able to get Vandy students to go with me on Wednesdays to serve. Ken also was kind enough to get me connected with the Habitat people at DPC. I hope to work with them on the 27th.

After breakfast, I headed over to my office. Right now my office has become my haven. It's my space to simply be. With four roommates and a lot of shared house space, it's nice to have room to call my own. I'm not sure that having my office as my haven is healthy. . . who really wants to spend extra time in their office? But for now, until I can find someplace else, it works.

I'm slowly learning the signs my body gives me about needing to rest, to rejuvenate, and to be. I went to bed early last night, just to find clarity in my scattered brain. I woke this morning with clarity, with new understanding, and a slightly rested feeling. And since I went to bed early and woke early, I have time now before work to get caught up on my to do list. And I'd like to call that success in finding a bit of balance.

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