And through this week, with some discernment and introspection, I've realized some new great loves of mine:
*I've realized that I love volunteering and serving. I really do. I love being God's hands and feet, in whatever way that looks. Wednesday it took the form of putting away clean dishes at Downtown, today it was in the form of copying important papers for the Spring Break trip, and last weekend it was venturing around downtown Memphis with a group of great students.
*I love leading Bible Study or writing devotions and being amazed at how God brings new ideas and thoughts into my head. I love being able to articulate those ideas. Most times, I'm saying or writing something that I've never previously thought about. And it comes so fast that I, more often than not, can't tell you what I've said.
*I love living in an intentional Christian community, where I can be. True I'm living with four "strangers," but we've shared so much in the two-ish months we've been together, I can easily call them some of my closest friends.
*I love living in the South. And while I can't easily articulate this one, it really is a new, deep love of mine.
*I love working at PSF, establishing new friendships, laughing, and growing with the students in my love of life, service, and God.
*I also love this photo of me, taken during our rainy workday in Memphis:

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