Thursday, March 4, 2010


It's hard for me to believe that it's all ready March. I leave tomorrow afternoon for the PSF spring break trip to Guatemala. I've been eagerly awaiting this trip and now it's here!!! I'm a little nervous, a little overwhelmed, but really excited. There will be 11 students and four staff members on the trip and we will be gone for a week. We hope to work on completing a hospital which was destroyed in 2005 by Hurricane Stan. We don't know exactly what we'll be doing, but the trip promises to be fantastic.

My sister Kayla is currently in Guatemala, about six miles from where we'll be, and from her few messages, she's having an incredible time and promises that I will have the same experience.

Here's the volcano that separates where Kayla was and where I'll be:

If you are interested, I've listed a few websites that you can look at, to learn more about where we're going and what we hope to doing. Your prayers for a safe and life changing trip would be a blessing to us all.

Hospitalito Atitlan, where we'll be working
CEDEPCA, the agency we're going with

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