Thursday, February 4, 2010

YAV retreat

It's been nearly a week since the YAVs from Atlanta and Cincinnati joined those of us in Nashville for a weekend retreat to focus on listening to God. I wasn't exactly thrilled about heading away for the weekend, for whatever reason. But after venturing through the snow storm, and safely getting to Deer Run Camp, I was glad to be there.

The camp was beautiful. We stayed in new log cabins, the snow was glistening (when it wasn't pelting us in the face) and we shared in a lot of joyful conversation. On Friday, we did an activity called "Praying in Color." I took markers, crayons, and paper and spent two silent hours coloring my thoughts and prayers. I wrote the names of mentors and pastors who have shaped my life. I wrote the initials of all my immediate family members. I wrote things I love, things I appreciate about my life, the questions I have for God. There were bubbles with the words in them, surrounded by different colors. It was a tangled, beautiful, maze of prayers and art. I was exhausted afterwords, and spent most of the evening resting.

On Saturday, we did another art activity that pertained to our dreams. We searched through magazines to find the pictures of our deepest desires. There were particular pictures I was looking for: a husband and wife, a cute cottage, maybe something that pertained to the ministry. Instead I pasted down a picture of a woman surrounded by people who she loved and was loved by. I glued down a lot about Africa, a story about how a girl who ventured away from home yet always comes back and helps to make chocolate cake. I did find a great picture of a comfy cottage, travel pictures, and other things I kind of expected to find. It was a beautiful prayer and a glorious expression of how God's plan is revealed in unique and glorious ways.

I also shared in deep listening activities--a fabulous Spirit filled exchange. I was partnered with one of my housemates and a YAV from Cinci. We talked about being away from home and not being able to help those we love. We talked about feeling God's presence, meaningful worship, personal seminary debates.

When we finally left Deer Run on Sunday, I realized that I have no answers for what is coming next in my life. But there is no door that has been closed; no option that I couldn't take advantage of. Most of my artistic prayers consisted of ideas and concepts that I hadn't ever thought possible for my life (i.e.- Malawi trip; YAV year; my love of public speaking and where it could take me, etc.). Therefore I need to spend more time and energy listening for and to God. And I might just go get my crayons again. . . .

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