Sunday, September 27, 2009

church friends

Today, I actually got to work on a Habitat house. I spent the day working with some folks from my new church, Downtown Pres. To say that I was a bit nervous would be an understatement. Last week at worship wasn't so great, and I was unsure of what an entire day with DPC people would be like. Well, as usual, God surprised me.

When I got to neighborhood, all of which are Habitat houses, I couldn't find the one DPC was to be working on. I wandered from house to house, trying to figure out where "my people" were. Eventually, I found them all at the top of the hill. I tried to blend in, all the while feeling like I was sticking out. Soon though, I began to make conversation. Rachel, a middle aged woman, started telling me about the DPC history and the upcoming organ concert her cousin from Duquesne is going to give. Sarah and her husband Doug were incredibly friendly as well. Then I met Faye, my Nashville "host mother." She's another sweet woman, and her husband Jim was wonderful too.

After an orientation meeting and seeing Susan the NEP site coordinator, I headed back to our house. I felt again that I was sticking out awkwardly. But then I noticed other people just waiting for instruction. Eventually I began to paint interior walls with Rachel and Samera. Samera quickly became my new best friend, as we shared laughs, paint splatters, football talk, and fun places for me to visit in the city.

Later, while taking a break (and trying to get paint out of my hair!), a woman name Ann introduced herself. We quickly realized that we had exchanged emails. Then, rather suddenly, Ann asked: "Can you explain your shirt to me?" Looking down, I realized I had a Westminster College Titans Football shirt on. I explained that I went to college at Westminster, a small Presbyterian related school north of Pittsburgh. A smile flashed across her face. Ann responded with a simple statement that changed my day: "My first teaching job after getting my Ph.D. was at Westminster in the Religion department. Do you know Kang Na?" To say that I was floored would be an understatement. Kang Na was my adviser, and one of the people who encouraged me to explore doing a YAV year. Consequently, Ann and I shared many New Wilmington/Westminster stories throughout the day.

It was a great day, a day I hope to not forget, for just when I was beginning to think that I would not have a warm church community, I found connections I never expected to find. Samera wants to take me to live music concerts, movies, and the art crawl. And we both have birthdays this week, as does Beth, another DPC member. Faye wants to take me to lunch. Sarah suggested that I was "Our Bethany." Ann and I shared a "WC moment" of great joy. It's almost hard to believe that a week ago I dreaded almost everything about that place. Now it is starting to feel like home; a home with friendly faces!

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