Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things I learned this weekend

After a successful, yet exhausting weekend trip to Tims Ford lake & the Ocee river for rafting and water fun, this is a list of things I have learned:

*I am much more aware of animals on road trips and nature excursions than others. I spotted a fox, two spotted fawns, and a deer when others didn't. Is that a quality of PA girls or just Olson girls?!

*Staying in the raft while white water rafting isn't too hard; just wedge your feet under the inflated rubber and you won't really go too far.

*Campus ministry can be dirty. Literally. I helped to pack a cooler and got jam all over my hands. (But my cooler packing skills were much appreciated).

*I have a bad habit of over packing and still not having enough of what I really need.

*There is something wonderfully calming and strangely glamorous about sitting near water and just being.

*I am going to get a lot of food leftovers from PSF events. And my roommates love that!

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