Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gifts of Knowledge

I'm currently sitting outside, sipping an iced chai tea, using Ugly Mugs' internet. Our house is not yet set up with the internet. And while that has been stressful, it's also nice to get out into our East Nashville community and start to feel as if I belong. I know I do belong here, but with stuff going on in Erie, it's been hard. It stressful to live away from home when issues arise. . . but it's all out of my control and I have to accept that. I wish I could be physically present, but this is a good lesson on relying on God's spirit to surround my loved ones.
My new community of YAVs been wonderful in being present with me & watching out for me. I already love this intentional community. . . they are holding me accountable, making me realize the importance of self-boundaries, and have promised to help me say that one particular word I hate to use . . . "no." Last night for example, I watched Brothers & Sisters with my roommates and enjoyed time to just be; what a blessing that is.

In other news, our Nashville orientation is going well. We served Meals on Wheels today, which was great. (Thanks, Dad, for all the lessons on how to talk with strangers! I never would have thought that I could do it or be thankful for those lessons, but I totally am!) We've visited all 8 partner sites, heard the incredible missions of each organization, and saw where each other is working. It was heartbreaking to hear of the needs within this community, but such a comfort to know that people are making small triumphs each day. I've all ready had my beliefs on the death penalty, poverty, health care, and church mission challenged--and all in healthy ways. For so long, I've avoided having an opinion. Now, I feel as if I have to be educated,at least to know the facts. I'm not certain that at the end of the day I'll have changed any of my thoughts, but at least I will be semi-well versed on them. I have always known, but now truly believe that ignorance is not bliss. There is so much out there that I have to learn. And still so much more to touch my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Boof,
    Your strength and wisdom well me up all full of pride! I am so proud of who you are and who you are working to become. I will be praying for you as you dig deeper into what God would have you do!
    I love you
