Thursday, September 10, 2009

three days in

I'm sitting in my office. My office on the Vanderbilt Campus. That's just crazy.

My John Calvin bobble head, my Westminster paper weight, my First Covenant mouse pad are all proudly displayed on my desk. I even made room for one of my ceramic pieces to serve as a pen holder. My business cards are directly in front of that. Crazy!

Today is my third day at "work" on campus. I came on Tuesday, met with Jennifer, went over what sorts of things she wants me to be involved in, etc. Bob, the development director, Jennifer and I then headed over to Grins (pronounced greens)at the Jewish Schulman Center for lunch. After lunch, Jennifer showed me around campus. It's a beautiful and exciting place. When we got back to the Office of Religious Life building (where our offices are), she worked on writing her sermon, while I worked on emails, t-shirts, rafting details, and other odds and ends.

The best part of Tuesday was definitely the PSF worship. PSF worships in St. Augustine's Chapel on campus, which is a fabulous building. There were about 30 students there for worship and dinner. The theme of the year is "stories we live by. . . " with the first text from John 4.3-30. (I read aloud the words of Jesus). Dinner was provided by a couple from Second Pres, who are both Vandy employees and pastors. We had a great conversation about discernment. When I got home at about 8:35pm, with dinner leftovers, I was certainly exhausted, but it was a great first day!

Wednesday was another day of chatting with Jennifer, lunch on campus, meeting more new people, and seeing more beautiful buildings. I also got my Vanderbilt id and a PSF t-shirt. Jennifer and I also came into contact with some donated clothing that was going to be gotten rid of, so we had our own mini-shopping experience--my housemates really seemed to like the clothes!

Today was exciting in that I found my way here without Gladys, my GPS. First on the agenda was a meeting to discuss the Alternative Gift Fair. I'm excited to be helping with that, as it was always such an important part of the YPS year for me at Westminster. Later tonight is Theology on Tap, where I can hopefully talk about God, enjoy some pizza, and celebrate a victory with Titans fans.

Every morning so far, as I head home from the Y and see the city sky line, I'm thankful that God has guided me here. It's certainly starting to feel more like home everyday.

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