Thursday, September 24, 2009


I never know how to start a blog post. Should I tell you that I'm sitting in my office, eating my lunch? Or that my desk is a mess with all the things I need to be doing? Or that I am always checking my email, waiting for a student to get back to me about a potential coffee date? Each of these things happen most days. I guess you could almost say that it's all becoming a routine. A fun, always changing, routine.

Like this routine I've found, my life is good. Lisa, my housemate, is doing well. I plan on visiting her this afternoon. Gramps is doing well too, which is a blessing to hear. I'm finding all sorts of things to work on for PSF: writing notes to students, more coffee dates, creating Guatemala information sheets, taking walks around campus, working on Habitat rides, reaching out to Belmont students, helping to get fundraising information out, creating a Bible Study, helping with the Alternative Gift Fair. . . it's certainly not boring.

It can, however, be frustrating when "results" are hard to see. I totally understand now why Jennifer gardens; she can see results and responses from plants. Students aren't always like that. But I did get excited when students were calling out to me on Tuesday, when they were leaving. The smiles, the waves, the "catch you laters" made me feel like I've got a good start on this ministry thing and having new friends! Which is certainly an answer to all my prayers.

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